eTRIKS/ELIXIR-LU data curation training for TranSMART
eTRIKS and ELIXIR-Luxembourg Node organize a data preprocessing and curation training that will cover the necessary steps to clean, reformat and upload data to tranSMART.
The training will be divided in the following sections:
- Basic introduction of tranSMART (i2b2 tree and database)
- Format of standard-format-file that are needed by the ETL scripts
- How to setup the data loading environment
- How to use the ETL scripts
- Hand-on sessions of 2) 3) and 4)
It will be a two-day training with the following approximate schedule:
Day 1: Thursday 15th September – 14:00-17:30
Day 2: Friday 16th September – 09:30-15:00
The venue of the training will be:
LCSB, Université de Luxembourg - Campus Belval, Biotech II
6, Avenue du Swing
L-4362 Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
See map: Google Maps
Francisco Bonachela-Capdevila