Service Catalog
The services provided by ELIXR-LU are listed below. Explore our catalog and click on the different sections to find out more about each service:
The ELIXIR-LU Data Catalog is a unique collection of project-level metadata from large research initiatives in different fields, including clinical, molecular and observational studies. Its aim is to improve the findability of these projects following FAIR data principles. We can host your data and grant access to third parties or provide you access to datasets hosted by ELIXIR-LU for your research.
A disease map is a manually curated knowledge repository established to describe molecular mechanisms of a particular disease. Several of these open access molecular interaction maps are available for overlay of experimental data and the identification of potential drug targets. Through this service, you can share your systems biology diagrams with a broad audience and visualise complex datasets.
The aim of an R3 initiative is to increase the overall reproducibility of scientific results. ELIXIR-LU provides state-of-the-art infrastructure, GDPR compliant data processes and data handling methods, as well as platforms and tools for high-quality scientific computing code for that purpose. A standardised publication workflow is also available. Increase research quality in your institution by setting up your own R3 initiative.
The FAIR Cookbook is an online resource helping to generate and keep data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR). It is meant for anyone working in Life Sciences – from researchers and data stewards to software developers and funders – who needs guidance on applying the FAIR Principles in practice. ELIXIR-LU contributes to the development of the FAIR Cookbook and can guide you through the key steps of you FAIRification journey.